Whenever I step outside and the hardscapes are dirty, whether that be the driveway, sidewalk, patio or veranda, I feel a duty to clean them up. The best and fastest way to accomplish a clean look is with an electric blower. Why an Electric Blower? As a professional gardener, I used to use gas powered…
Collapsible Garden Bag: The Unsung Hero of Gardening
Save yourself some frustration when working in the garden, with a collapsible garden bag. The struggle is real: There is a slight breeze in the air. The trash bag I always use to collect my yard waste keeps blowing away. I collect it again, go to use it, only to have it collapse in on…
Garden Knife: An Essential Gardening Tool
There are a couple of tools I have with me at all times when I’m gardening. One is my trusty Felco 2 hand pruners, and the other is my garden knife. I use the garden knife for multiple tasks each day. Why the Garden Knife is Essential The garden knife is my go-to tool for…
Felco 2 Pruners, The Essential Gardener’s Tool
I’ve been a professional gardener for over twenty years, and one of the tools I use the most is the Felco 2 bypass pruner. I’ve had many brands of pruners over the years, some of which literally crumbled in my hand while cutting a small branch. (I won’t give the name brand here, but it…